I was honored to capture Sue and Robert's intimate wedding ceremony at Peninsula Park's Rose Garden, both because Sue and Robert are the sweetest couple and Robert's parents are the coolest parentals I've gotten to hang out with in a long time.
I met with Sue, Robert, and the parents at Radio Room in the Alberta district to grab some photos and drinks (I took the photos and S+R grabbed the drinks). Radio Room has a ton of amazing décor and a fun space, and I would absolutely recommend grabbing some cool photos there while en route to other festivities.

After Radio Room, we headed over to Peninsula Park's Rose Garden. While S + R drove over, I grabbed some photos of their wedding bands and Sue's engagement ring.

Sue and Robert arrived, so we headed over to one of the corners for a little shade and privacy. There were kinds playing in the fountain, and plenty of families picnicking all over the place, so we headed to the least busy spot we could find.
In the shade, the officiant positioned the couple with their parents (witnesses) right next to them, and began the ceremony.

They read their vows, making their ceremony superbly intimate and romantic. They clearly are each other's partner through the good and bad times.
There were a few groups walking by and around the ceremony site, and they would stop and clap or give us a thumbs up, wave, and keep walking.

After the ceremony, the couple and witnesses signed their official marriage paperwork. I recommend making sure you bring a pen and a hard-backed folder or something to put the paperwork on, just to make sure everyone is comfortable signing.
