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Save the Harbor's Shamrock Splash

Thank goodness today was an almost-warm almost-spring day; the sun came out and the wind calmed down for the Shamrock Splash at the Curley Community Center in South Boston!

The event was a blast, and I highly recommend that you sign up for next year's Splash... like, right now. Just go to right now, help them reach their goal of fundraising $50,000 for Boston's beaches, check out the organization, and bookmark it so you can register as soon as 2021's Splash opens.

A huge shout out to Harpoon Brewery and JetBlue, as well as all the other amazing vendors who helped sponsor and put on the event. It went phenomenally, and the music, beer, and laughs were all great (shall I say, intoxicating!?).

There were some pretty epic costumes. The first winner was a swimmer cowboy (complete with almost assless chaps), and the other winners were a frog and narwhal.

A huge shout out to the Save the Harbor team for organizing such an incredible event.

Remember, keep calm, and float like a lobstah:


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